Trapping and Removal

Critters and Cages

Frontier Trapper is committed to getting the job done, especially regarding wildlife trapping. Animals we handle are, including but are not limited to raccoons, squirrels, snakes, birds, bats, moles, groundhogs, foxes, rats/mice, beavers/otters, bobcats, opossums.

Live Trapping

This is the most common type of trapping. In most situations it is the easiest. Raccoons and other critters are always hungry and will go into these traps for the bait. There is also another way, a positive set; this is where you set a trap over the main entrance and the animal can only escape by going into the cage.

Physical Handling

 We get calls all the time where babies are trapped inside a chimney. A bat is flying around inside your home, or an opossum has crawled down inside your stove hood. We have tools and the experience for getting them out safely and quickly.

Humane Lethal Traps

Unfortunately, there are a few instances where lethal traps are the only way to remove an animal from an area. Some critters like squirrels are very detrimental and will do more damage to them selves inside a cage. In this case they usually kill themselves, so a lethal trap is a more humane alternative.

Excluder Valve (One Way Door)

Bats are the most common animal we use these with. We are not allowed to trap or handle them unless completely necessary, and so a one way door is used to get them out of your home. Full exclusion (sealing) of the home is then paramount to keep them form being able to re-enter later.

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